Whether the editors are new to management or are applying for assistant editor jobs there are a fair number of responsibilities entrusted upon them. All editing jobs require professionalism.
The photo editor has to be a team player and should be able to work closely with others. In the media sector, the person will have to be able to work with the other editors in the various departments. For example, close communication will be required with the editors in charge of the print content, as the print content is related to the photo content. One supports the other, so all editors must agree. If an applicant is new to the field of editing then he/she may want to consider seeking out editing job openings, which do not demand too much experience to begin with.
If you were interested in photo editing jobs within the publication industry, you would want to apply for editing jobs with your particular interest in mind. For example, if your area of expertise in the field of photography has been sports then you would want to search out all editing jobs that pertain to this area. Often, however, the editor would be responsible for the photography aspect of all of the areas although they are separate departments.
Editing job at this type of work place would most likely mean overseeing a staff of at least a few photographers; how many, would depend on the company. This position would require the delegation of photo assignments to the photo staff. There would most likely be a variety of assignments, and the editor would be responsible for seeing that they were all covered. Interactive coverage of breaking news stories may be a demand. This would mean a photographer would always have to be available to cover this position and the editor has to ensure this was in place. Source photography appointments have to be set up.
Editing job, which requires you to oversee a newspaper may hold a much larger degree of responsibility. The job here would mean staying on top of breaking news at all times and getting the right photographers out to the right places. It means a great deal of pressure because snap decisions have to be made. Editing jobs with this kind of pressure demand an individual who is able to manage time and multi task. The editor has to oversee the quality control of the work after it has been received. It must be at the point where it is ready for publishing. Editing jobs from news media type sources are under more pressure because there are usually daily deadlines as opposed to weekly ones.
Therefore, as one can see, an editing professional not only needs skills in one area but in many. He must be able to manage individuals, and perform the physical editing duties of the materials. The candidate for editing jobs must be able to make decisions. Administrative skill is also required. There may be times when editing jobs at certain companies will require the editor to take to photography.
City editing jobs are more likely to require these types of skills because they are in the hub of activities where there are breaking news on almost a continuous basis.
Online editing may also be a part of the job. Nowadays many news media also have online coverage. This means that the editor not only needs skills in photo editing but must also know a great deal about how the Internet works in relation to this industry.
An individual who is seeking editing jobs related to his/her area of expertise, should be confident enough to apply for the position. Often if an individual has the expertise, it will be enough to get him in at the ground level of editing in photography. Experience as an editor may not be a job requirement. Aside from the photography skills, many of the other job duties are teachable skills with hands-on training at the worksite.
Constantly read the job ads in the local papers when seeking editing jobs near your area. The larger papers will be more applicable for jobs in the cities. If on the other hand you were after online editing jobs, then the Internet would be the best way for you to find photography editing jobs that are applicable to your area of expertise.
Qualifications for editors' jobs will usually vary. It will also depend on whether or not it is an online editing job. The general requirement will be at least 5 years' experience with Adobe Photoshop and Flash, and good working knowledge of media software in general. An applicant must have the ability to produce high quality and pertinent photos. If you are to be successful in this field of work, you must present yourself as being a strong and career-orientated individual.