Those who can conduct in-depth research that's accurate and timely and can verify facts are good candidates in these jobs. There is strong competition in this field and those with the strongest skill sets will promote faster than those with no formal education or experience. With the number of online publications that seem to increase on a daily basis, these employment opportunities for online jobs are expected to keep pace with the rapid growth of electronic media. Other skills include the ability to type, an understanding of proper grammar and strong communication skills.
As mentioned, formal education is preferred and those with communications or journalism degrees are always in demand. Those with extensive knowledge of the latest communications such as web writing and blogging will also do well in editing positions.
Editing personnel work closely with writers, copywriters, editors, journalists and other professionals. Their roles might include proofing articles or books, providing writing topics, compiling graphics, ensuring the absence of plagiarism and conducting research. They can also gather information for technical manuals, SOPs and press releases. Clearly, there are many avenues these jobs may take.
There are numerous sources where these positions can be found; most often, the internet is rich in opportunities. Job applicants must be able to work under deadlines and must be able to proof and edit multiple projects simultaneously. Often, those who are editing are the last ones to see the finished product before it's released.
So who incorporates an editor's services? Book publishers, newspapers - local and national, online and print, educational institutions, government entities and private businesses are but a few of employers who incorporate these services. It's difficult, if not impossible, to provide an inclusive list of requirements or expectations since employers have their own extensive job descriptions. One only needs to compare them to see how they can often vary.
Salaries vary greatly, too. Those who work from home and freelance their services might complete jobs that are similar in size and expectations, but that have major gaps in earnings. Often, contractors or employers will pay based on projects. In the traditional workplace, editing personnel who fill these vacancies might have other duties to offset any downtime. Freelancers who work off-site or from home are either paid by the number of pages they're editing or on a project basis. Freelancers enjoy the opportunities presented by working for several employers. It's often a way to get into publishing their own works. Despite the number of available job candidates in the editing field, those who establish themselves by producing quality work within deadlines are the ones will be able to support themselves, especially as freelancers.
There's information available regarding the many certification options and organizations many editing technicians can become members of, further cementing their abilities and competence.