You have to read your article aloud like if you were reading in the radio or television. While reading that article, if you take long breath in the middle of the article, then the article will be too long. So you have to break the long sentences in to two separate ones. If the article makes sense, means it is written in the proper way and if it does not make any sense then you have to revise that. You have to check your article over for typos, grammatical errors, or spelling mistakes if any. You have to make sure whether it fits for the appropriate style guide. Most of English language news wires carry the associated press style guide.
If the article relates with any interview, you have to replay that audio or video tapes. You have to check the articles which are related with the interview. You have to make sure that you have quoted your sources correctly and you have to verify whether their words are talking in a correct way and not taking their words out of context. You have to check the articles whether it contains all sides of arguments which you will like to address. If it is one sided article then you may have to rewrite your article. You have to re-read your article aloud until it reads smoothly and you have to be satisfied with that. You will have to allow some other journalist or editor to proof read your article. This is most important if your article topic is political or otherwise controversial.